Monday, November 29, 2010


Hey readers, Bucky here! Usually with all the social activities and homework I have, I don’t usually find time to watch T.V. But one of the shows that I have taken a huge interest in is LOST. When LOST came out I was just 8 years old. I remember my teachers and older friends talking about how great this show actually was. Six years later I found myself surfing around the internet and I found the Pilot episode of LOST. When I watched it I was immediately hooked, even though the show was then over. I was kind of bummed out that I couldn’t keep up with the show as it progressed but then I realized that I had access to every episode and their wasn’t really a wait for when I could actually watch them. Once I started watching LOST I couldn’t stop and I’m currently on season 5. One of the things that I love about LOST is that people that I really hated at the beginning of the show now are probably my favorite characters and the people that didn’t really seem to important are now the main characters. This is very true and to me, this means to never judge a book by its cover. I can’t believe that they are traveling back and forth even though they don’t want to and that now the shows are switching back and forth every 3 minutes. I can’t wait to continue watching LOST and I guess I’m going to have to find another show to be addicted to after I’m done with this one. Sincerely,
Bucky  Buck 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bucky and Addictions

Hello readers, Bucky here! I’ve been thinking about many things lately but something that’s been going through my mind a lot is how people are addicted to certain things. Sure people are addicted to drugs and things that are bad for them but I’m talking about things that we do in our everyday lives. Specifically when I think of this, I think of Facebook. When I was just in 5th grade having an Email was pretty much the only way to ask questions or to talk to your friends with. Now I’m using my email less and less and actually sending messages through Facebook. I can’t really remember a day when I haven’t logged on to my Facebook to see if I have any new notifications or to see who’s online. Some people don’t even text anymore but use a Facebook app on their phones to send messages. It doesn’t bother me that people are on Facebook all the time; it just makes me wonder what technology we are going to be using in 10 years to communicate with each other. This might be an idea that is way out their but I believe that Facebook might start replacing games that people buy because you can play them anytime you want as long as you have an internet connection. In conclusion I think that some people might just be to dependent on it and it would be really cool if Facebook would “break down” for a couple of days, too see what people would do. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Finals make Bucky Sad :(

Hello readers, Bucky here! I cant believe it but its already November. This year has passed so quickly and its amazing that our next vacation is Christmas break.  Even though I am very happy that school is going by so fast I'm also starting to worry about something that I've never had to worry about before; Finals. One of the problems I had last year In 8th grade was Math class. No matter how hard I studied and how much homework I turned in, I could never really grasp the content we were learning and imbed it into my memory. Pretty much when we went to the next unit I would kinda forget the details of what we had just learned. The reason I am worried about Finals is because I'm going to have to study like crazy during dead week and have to try to remember what I have learned. I also don’t like the idea of each Test we get being 20 percent of our grade. At the  beginning of the year I slacked off a bit in some classes and my grades went down but now I'm trying harder to get them up again and when finals come I'm going to have to learn all the stuff I wasn’t really into at the beginning of the year. One of my plans to overcome my dilemma Is to start studying very soon so I don’t have to cram during dead week. To end on a happy/fun note, I'm really exited to go on our class trips!