Sunday, May 29, 2011

Terminator Movie review

This weekend I was really bored at home so I decided to watch a movie. As I was looking through my collection I found the last of the Terminator series; Terminator Salvation. To make an awesome blog about it I decided to create a movie review. Here it is and be sure to watch it.

I think that the new Terminator movie gets two thumbs up. The new sequel to the sci-fi thrillers is packed with action, suspense and doesn’t get boring.
John Connor is the man picked to keep the human race going against Skynet and the army of Terminators. The future that John Connor has been brought up to believe in has now changed completely from a strange and mysterious man called Marcus Wright. The last memory that Marcus can remember is being killed but yet he’s still there. The vital decision that Connor needs to make is to decide if Marcus is a traitor working with the terminators or is trying to help what’s left of the human race. After breaking into the Skynet headcounters, Connor and Wright meet up to try to terminate the terminators.
Directed by McG this movie has a number of amazing actors. John Connor is played by Christian Bale, while Sam Worthington is Marcus Wright. I believe that Christian Bale and Sam Worthington had a hard job acting that needed a lot of concentration because playing the part of human survivors, fighting against a whole army of robots seems very tough. With this movie being the fourth in its series there are a number of things that could have been changed and also kept the same. One of the biggest differences in this movie and the previous three are the graphics and special effects. The older movies had more of a action based plot and each movie later they are becoming more and more of a suspense movie meant to keep you on the edge of your seat.
I think that the special effects were everything in this movie. Without the special effects this movie would have been horrible because the whole terminator armies aren’t actors and they need to be digitally created. One of my favorite scenes is when John Connor comes into a deserted city and finds another human, but the person is actually a Terminator robot and then starts shooting at Connor. This is just an example of how the special effects played a key role in this movie and without them this scene wouldn’t have been created. The music also went very well with the movie because it added suspense throughout the entire part.
This movie was rated pg-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence, and language. Given that this movie is pg-13 I think that it’s for anybody that likes sci-fi and thriller movies. I personally think that this movie should be for kids 13 and up, not just because it has a lot of violence but because it is hard to understand so the older you are the better the movie will become. Watching the previous terminators also helps, so you start from the beginning and you can follow the movies as they continue.                                                                                                                                                  

Pro's & Con's

For our English 9 class we are expected to write in our blog quite frequently and even though sometimes it can be fun, it also can be a drag. For this post we were required to talk about the Pro's and Con's of blogging. Ok, so the pro's pretty much can just be laid out right now. You can write about your life so I guess its kind of like a diary, once your blog is going you can get quite a lot of people reading it, and also if you do write in it for English class it’s a fairly easy grade compared to being forced to write essays. There are actually a few Con's too that actually bother me a little bit. For one, I don’t really like being "forced" to write things I don’t want to. To me its pretty much like forcing me to read something that I don’t want to read. I would rather choose a book out of a group of them instead of just being forced to read a specific one, just like how I would write in this blog for a class but on my own time rather than with guidelines. I think that if our grade depended on how good the blog progressed and how interesting it was then kids would update it more regularly and it would be more like a twitter account thing. Overall I feel rather positive about the whole blog thing because its defiantly not the hardest assignment that we had and it can really help our grade if we take a few minutes every week to write a new post. 

PSN (PlayStation Network)

Video games are a huge part of people lives today and unfortunate or not, millions of people use them everyday for hours. Obviously with such a high demand of video games there is quite a lot of competition in the "video game business." Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft control most of this competition with their three main consoles, the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and the Nintendo WII. Even though the WII caters to younger gamers or to family's and the Xbox 360 is much better for playing online games; Sony falls within both of these categories and cannot afford to loose costumers. A little more than a month ago the PlayStation Network, which is the service that allows people to play online, went down. This means that PlayStation users couldn't only play games like Call of Duty online with their friends but they also couldn't use the services that  PlayStation has to offer, such as Netflix. The PSN had gone down not from maintenance but from a hacking team that took over the network. This is something that was really surprising because being a trillion dollar company, Sony really doesn't have the option to let something like this happen. To make matters worse, out of the 70 million PlayStation users, 20 million had their credit card information accessed. This even really did hurt Sony a lot even though they did everything they could to fix it in time but they're stocks went down dramatically and ps3 trade ins skyrocketed. I personally still think that PlayStation is a great console and that Sony just made a mistake that will help them in the future so this wont happen again.